About Us
Vision Statement
A roof over every head.
Mission Statement
Providing housing solutions and services to end homelessness and improve lives.
Corvallis Housing First is a small but growing organization dedicated to providing support and housing to individuals experiencing homelessness in Corvallis. We currently operate five facilities that provide housing and support, and also work with local agencies and shelters to provide outreach and case management services.
Following the philosophy of Housing First, we work to provide low-barrier, behavior-based housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety or treatment participation requirements. Our mission is to provide solutions for ending homelessness and achieving self-sufficiency.
CHF was founded as the Corvallis Homeless Shelter Coalition in 2007 to operate the men’s cold weather shelter in Corvallis and during that time acquired Partners Place, an apartment complex dedicated to providing supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness. We ended our management of the Men’s Cold Weather Shelter in 2017 and shifted our organizational focus to growing the number of supported housing units available in our community, following a Housing First model. In 2017, we purchased Van Buren House, an 18-room facility previously used as a sorority house, then as vegetarian cooperative living. In 2019, we formed an agreement with a local donor to operate DeDe’s Home, a house for senior homeless women.
CHF values the use of best practices in the field such as trauma informed care, motivational interviewing, assertive case management, strengths-based and individualized approaches that value diversity, the whole person, and community-building to support the health and resilience of our clients and our organization. We work in a team environment to help clients in housing and other services live their best life, whatever that might be for them. We see our staff as key to the success of our clients and our organization. To that end, we strive to provide a supportive, strengths-based, trauma-informed environment for all.