Welcome! There are many ways to volunteer or contribute to Corvallis Housing First. Please contact us for more information on any of the following opportunities:
College Internships – CHF is a registered internship site with both Oregon State University and Western Oregon University, offering internships in social services, public health, and nonprofit management and development. We have full-time and part-time positions available! Contact us for more information.
Special Projects – CHF has a number of ongoing projects that volunteers play a critical role in helping us manage and develop! For example, team members for DeDe’s Home have helped us raise funds, manage renovation work, and procure in-kind services. We have ongoing needs for individuals to help us with gardening and landscaping projects, facilities maintenance, public relations, and more. Contact Andrea at CHF for more information.
To sign-up or ask questions about our many volunteer opportunities, please contact admin@corvallishousingfirst.org